“Sweeping her off her feet and dipping her in a dramatic hold so that her hair touches the ground as he kisses her hard…” You gotta hand it to them, these Grey boys are romantic and sexy.
After a few friends reported that women are becoming aroused like never before from reading this series, I purchased the first book. With some reluctance (I don’t typically read fiction) I opened to chapter eight. Beginners luck.
As a therapist and a woman with her own sexuality (and wounds…does anyone grow old without them?) I am noticing a few key themes.
Firstly, I think all women long to be treated with such care: he calls her by name, he places full attention (and skill) on pleasuring her, and he can predict her desires before they arise. Would you agree that there’s nothing sexier than a partner meeting your needs before they’re even spoken?
Secondly, outside of pornography, there is no opportunity to truly explore our sexuality, with all its hedonistic fantasies and crazy desires. The yogic texts remind us that the human realm is both sacred and profane. Do we love this book because it blatantly lays out the darker side in all of us, within a formal Non disclosure agreement? I wonder if there would be less sex crimes if we were taught how to share our sex secrets and process our baggage within a caring, non-judgmental relationship.
I believe that true healing and wholeness can only occur through loving human connection. For many years, I broke into tears after intimate contact, as my wounds surfaced and released from my cellular structure. After exploring the roots of these wounds, I can now fully embrace the beauty of my own sexuality.
What is this series awakening in you?
That’s all for now, I must get back to chapter 11!
PS – Thanks Steve Currie for the photo!