With the full moon shining her light upon us tonight, I thought I’d share an astrological excerpt:
“When the moon is full in a sign, it reflects the light of consciousness to the fullest. With the full moon in virgo today, you are invited to contemplate your right livelihood and the specific gifts only you can give the world.”
Shakti Carola Navran
Isn’t that beautiful? We are invited to take quiet time today, to reflect on our unique gifts and our highest vision for our lives. That means it’s an especially perfect day to do yoga and align with your heart’s calling.
With virgo being the sign for healing and self-care, here is a meditation you can do today to leverage the strength of the full moon.
Take time to be outside, or visualize yourself standing beneath the moon with arms outstretched.
Close your eyes and imagine the enormous strength of the virgo moon pouring into you through a beam of violet light. Allow each breath to magnify this luminescent connection between you and the moon.
Now take any and all uncertainty or doubt about your purpose here and turn it into a question for the moon. Let your own intuitive, all-knowing, lunar essence rise up within you and wait for the answer. It may take a few days, and it may not come in the way you expect, so keep your senses peeled.
In light of this healing day, you may also want to imagine a difficult person in your life bathing in the same violet light of the moon. This will help to liberate each of you from any unhealthy exchanges while freeing up your energy for doing more good in the world.
And don’t forget to let out a howl tonight!