“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it turned into a butterfly!”
Yesterday I heard two receptionists talking about Dec. 21st. One said “Are you ready for the end of the world?” The other replied, “Yup, I’m eatin’ whatever I want tonight!”
It’s Dec. 21st 2012—the end of the Mayan calendar, the transition from Kali Yuga (dark age) to Sat Yuga (the Golden Age), the new age of Aquarius! It’s a date that is indeed brimming with potential.
My intent for the 21 Day Inner Radiance Cleanse was to bring us closer to our true essence and draw us closer to one another during this evolutionary time period.
Though our cleanse is complete today, a new chapter of humanity is just beginning.
It is my hope that you’ve been inspired to quiet the outer noise, so that you’re able to hear the wisdom of your own heart. This practice of deep listening, is fundamental to making the colossal leap into consciousness, that is required of us right now.
The beauty of deep listening is that no two people will practice the same way. One person might open their inner ear through religious prayer, while another through a quiet walk in the woods. And the results will be just as varied, as we all have our own unique purpose to fulfill.
Ultimately, you must know that there is no yoga pose, no spiritual teacher and no website that will provide you with the clarity you seek on your path. By adopting a receptive listening mindset, you welcome your higher knowing to guide the way.
When the timing is right, when you’ve grown sufficiently, the walls of the cocoon you’ve been nestled within will part, making way for your new and beautiful wingspan.
Let’s fly to new heights in this new era!