One day, the criticism and judgment grew so loud that she just stopped. Her immense artistic talent and her degree in art and design were shoved into the back of the closet, where they laid dormant for many years.
Through her yoga training, as she re-awakened her feeling sense, she’s realized that exiling her artistic expression has caused her deep sadness and longing.
She recently picked up a pencil and began where she left off. The torn up center of the image you see here represents her anger for being judged and scrutinized. The beauty emanating from the jumbled core is her creative energy finding expression once again.
By shifting her thought patterns, she’s begun to soften the edges of her anger (softening the edges being the title of this drawing).
I am personally very moved by this piece because it so accurately speaks to our process of Awakening the Extraordinary. Most of us, by the time we reach adulthood, become mired in our conditioning, wounds and limitation.
Something miraculous happens however, as we begin to free the breath and move the body—the energetic dams in our system are broken and we come alive again.
Is there an area of your life that brings you joy that you’ve disowned? Why?
Take the courage of our fellow artist yogi with you and let yourself dip your toes in it’s waters again.