Summer has officially arrived with the longest day of the year upon us, as we celebrate the solstice. The word solstice itself refers to the sun (sol) standing still (stice). On this day it may feel like things are standing still because of the extended length of daylight we experience. With regards to the natural rhythm of the seasons, in ancient times, our ancestors would typically plant seeds in the spring, nurture their crops throughout the summer, harvest them in the fall and withdraw in the winter months. It makes sense then that the focus of the summer solstice is on creation, newness and celebration.
Today is a great day for you to do the same. Take a moment to find a quiet seat, sitting away from external distractions, ideally outside in nature. Notice any physical tension and let your jaw and shoulders drop on the oubreath. Settle into a slow and mindful breathing rhythm and relax. After taking a few deep, slow breaths, reflect on your current state and what you want more of in your life. Remember this is a time of birth and newness so you might be pleasantly surprised by the longings that arise.
Now let a word or phrase come to mind that will help to remind you of your new focus. It may be as simple as peace, fun, love, abundance, trust, or balance. For me, the word that came was flow, reminding me to float down stream with the current of life. Let’s enjoy the dawning of the summer months—schools out and our rigid schedules have softened to allow for more time of play, outdoor activity and social time with friends. May the summer season bring you much joy and send you in the direction of your deepest dreams!