There was a big moment in the Kierstead-Abbass household this week. Sophia’s first tooth became loose a few weeks ago and every morning, she’d run to the mirror to see how much longer she had to wait before experiencing this next step in her growth.
Thursday eve, upon arriving home from a 24hr writing retreat, Sophia was sitting on the kitchen stool with huge bulging eyes as she pressed the tooth out of its socket. All it took was a little twist and out it popped pain free.
What struck me was her realization after it came out, she said “I waited for this moment for the longest time and now it’s finally here!” We talked about the importance of having patience because if she had forced it, there would have been a lot more blood and pain.
This got me thinking about our deepest dreams, which we’ve shared with one another over the last month or so. When we’re ready for change or growth, patience can be one of the most challenging practices but remind yourself of a time when you’ve acted impulsively or impatiently. How’d that work for you?
The best possible scenario can only reveal itself when we can sit in the midst of uncertainty and be okay with the unknown. Are you holding hope and having patience for your 2012 vision? I trust you haven’t given up, it’s not even February yet!
To make matters even more important, recent studies show that heart disease, our leading killer, is not caused by diet, but dissatisfaction! And do you know what Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends as a remedy for the heart? Letting go, acceptance and patience.
Let’s take a big breath and let it out with a sigh…Letting go of tension and attachment does not mean that we let go of our dreams, your life might well depend on them. And when your deepest dreams do arrive, you can repeat what Sophia said when her first tooth came out “I’ve waited for this moment for the longest time and now it’s finally here!”
With love and support,